Once DBMS is installed and set up on the back-end server, web app can start utilizing it to store and retrieve data.

e.g With a PHP web app, we can connect to our database as follows:

$conn = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "password", "users");
$query = "select * from logins";
$result = $conn->query($query);

Below PHP code will print all returned results of the SQL query in new lines:

while($row = $result->fetch_assoc() ){
	echo $row["name"]."<br>";

e.g User uses the search function to search for other users, their search input is passed to the web app, which uses the input to search within the databases:

$searchInput =  $_POST['findUser'];
$query = "select * from logins where username like '%$searchInput'";
$result = $conn->query($query);

In the above examples, web app accepts user input and pass it directly to the SQL query without sanitization.

SQL Injection

SQL injection occurs when user-input is inputted into the SQL query string without properly sanitizing or filtering the input.

Take a look at the example below:

$searchInput =  $_POST['findUser'];
$query = "select * from logins where username like '%$searchInput'";
$result = $conn->query($query);

If we input admin, it becomes '%admin'.

If we input 1'; DROP TABLE users;, the search input would be:

'%1'; DROP TABLE users;'

So, the final SQL query executed would be as follows:

select * from logins where username like '%1'; DROP TABLE users;'

Types of SQLi

  • Union Based - Specify exact location (e.g column), query will direct the output to be printed there.
  • Error Based - Used when we get PHP or SQL errors in the front-end, we may intentionally cause an SQL error that will return the output of the query.
  • Blind SQL Injection - We may not get the output printed, we retrieve output character by character.
    • Boolean Based - Use SQL conditional Statement to control whether the page returns any output at all.
    • Time Based -Use SQL conditional statements that delay the page response if the conditional statement returns true using Sleep() function.