Many tools can create a custom password wordlist based on certain information. The tool we will be using is cupp.
We run it in interactive mode by specifying the -i argument, and answer the questions, as follows:
Password Policy
Let’s say the victim’s password must meet the following conditions:
8 characters or longer
contains special characters
contains numbers
Let’s use the commands below to remove any passwords that doesn’t meet these conditions:
We never know how our target thinks when creating their password, and so our safest option is to add as many alterations and permutations as possible.
Many great tools do word mangling and case permutation quickly and easily, like rsmangler or The Mentalist. These tools have many other options, which can make any small wordlist reach millions of lines long.
Custom Username Wordlist
For example, the person’s username could be b.gates or gates or bill, and many other potential variations.
One tool we can use is Username Anarchy, which we can clone from GitHub, as follows: