From earlier’s Basic Obfuscation
, the code still contains strings in cleartext, which may reveal its original functionality.
Let’s use to perform a better obfuscation.
Go to and change String Array Encoding
to Base64
Let’s try obfuscating the code below:
console. log ( 'CarabinerSecurity Rocks' );
Code above is obfuscated as the code below:
function _0x1638 (){ var _0x442f3f = [ 'odG1ntjYswzny2i' , 'q2fYywjPBMvYu2vJDxjPDhKGuM9JA3m' , 'oduYnJG0DuXiyufn' , 'mJGZmJG2n3bVrNj4vG' , 'nJK4mtaWmgXQwwPKAW' , 'mJCWnZu4oe5brM5Iyq' , 'mJyZmMv3svH0wa' , 'mta5mZm5ogPMEePMzG' , 'mJaWmty0ogney1bwyG' ]; _0x1638 =function (){ return _0x442f3f;}; return _0x1638 ();} function _0x224f ( _0x47f66c , _0x50e070 ){ var _0x163843 = _0x1638 (); return _0x224f =function ( _0x224f29 , _0x4033bd ){_0x224f29 = _0x224f29 - 0x121 ; var _0x2ea47f = _0x163843[_0x224f29]; if (_0x224f[ 'PQxtfT' ] === undefined ){ var _0x5d93fc =function ( _0x408347 ){ var _0x5476c0 = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=' ; var _0x3e0730 = '' ,_0x4f72df = '' ; for ( var _0x46748c = 0x0 ,_0x5ea5f9,_0x3ae8b8,_0xc91609 = 0x0 ;_0x3ae8b8 = _0x408347[ 'charAt' ](_0xc91609 ++ ); ~ _0x3ae8b8 && (_0x5ea5f9 = _0x46748c % 0x4 ? _0x5ea5f9 * 0x40 + _0x3ae8b8 : _0x3ae8b8,_0x46748c ++% 0x4 ) ? _0x3e0730 += String[ 'fromCharCode' ]( 0xff & _0x5ea5f9 >> ( - 0x2 * _0x46748c & 0x6 )) : 0x0 ){_0x3ae8b8 = _0x5476c0[ 'indexOf' ](_0x3ae8b8);} for ( var _0xe3c238 = 0x0 ,_0xb09fea = _0x3e0730[ 'length' ];_0xe3c238 < _0xb09fea;_0xe3c238 ++ ){_0x4f72df += '%' + ( '00' + _0x3e0730[ 'charCodeAt' ](_0xe3c238)[ 'toString' ]( 0x10 ))[ 'slice' ]( - 0x2 );} return decodeURIComponent (_0x4f72df);};_0x224f[ 'kVHUhW' ] = _0x5d93fc,_0x47f66c = arguments ,_0x224f[ 'PQxtfT' ] =!! [];} var _0x1a8f83 = _0x163843[ 0x0 ],_0x429ddf = _0x224f29 + _0x1a8f83,_0x439c35 = _0x47f66c[_0x429ddf]; return! _0x439c35 ? (_0x2ea47f = _0x224f[ 'kVHUhW' ](_0x2ea47f),_0x47f66c[_0x429ddf] = _0x2ea47f) : _0x2ea47f = _0x439c35,_0x2ea47f;}, _0x224f (_0x47f66c,_0x50e070);} var _0x3876fb = _0x224f;( function ( _0x2cf212 , _0x1388e3 ){ var _0x395173 = _0x224f,_0x492665 = _0x2cf212 (); while ( !! []){ try { var _0x575128 = parseInt ( _0x395173 ( 0x125 )) / 0x1 + parseInt ( _0x395173 ( 0x129 )) / 0x2 + parseInt ( _0x395173 ( 0x121 )) / 0x3 + parseInt ( _0x395173 ( 0x123 )) / 0x4 + parseInt ( _0x395173 ( 0x122 )) / 0x5 + parseInt ( _0x395173 ( 0x126 )) / 0x6 +- parseInt ( _0x395173 ( 0x124 )) / 0x7 * ( parseInt ( _0x395173 ( 0x127 )) / 0x8 ); if (_0x575128 === _0x1388e3) break ; else _0x492665[ 'push' ](_0x492665[ 'shift' ]());} catch (_0x24d143){_0x492665[ 'push' ](_0x492665[ 'shift' ]());}}}(_0x1638, 0xad0b6 ),console[ 'log' ]( _0x3876fb ( 0x128 )));
Now the code is even harder to read!
More Obfuscation
Let’s use the following obfuscation tools to obfuscate the code below:
console. log ( 'CarabinerSecurity Rocks' );
Note that below obfuscators usually make code execution/compliation very slow so it is not recommended to be used unless for obvious reason like bypassing web filters or restrictions.
We can use JSF to further obfuscate.
JJ Encode
JJ Encode
AA Encode
AA Encode
゚ω゚ノ= /`m´)ノ ~┻━┻ //*´∇`*/ ['_']; o=(゚ー゚) =_=3; c=(゚Θ゚) =(゚ー゚)-(゚ー゚); (゚Д゚) =(゚Θ゚)= (o^_^o)/ (o^_^o);(゚Д゚)={゚Θ゚: '_' ,゚ω゚ノ :