Front End

Web browser (client-side).

HTML, CSS, Javascript

Should adapt to any screen size and work within any browser on any device.

  • Visual Concept Web Design
  • User Interface (UI) design
  • User Experience (UX) design

Back End

Four main back end components for web applications:

  • Back End Servers - The hardware and OS that hosts all other components.
  • Web Servers - Apache, Nginx, IIS
  • Databases - MySQL, MSSQL
  • Development Frameworks - Laravel, ASP.NET, Spring

Secure Front/Back End

Whitebox Pentesting - When with source code of front end components, we can perform a code review.

Blackbox Pentesting - We do not have access to the source code.

Top 20 mistakes developers make:

1.Permitting Invalid Data to Enter the Database
2.Focusing on the System as a Whole
3.Establishing Personally Developed Security Methods
4.Treating Security to be Your Last Step
5.Developing Plain Text Password Storage
6.Creating Weak Passwords
7.Storing Unencrypted Data in the Database
8.Depending Excessively on the Client Side
9.Being Too Optimistic
10.Permitting Variables via the URL Path Name
11.Trusting third-party code
12.Hard-coding backdoor accounts
13.Unverified SQL injections
14.Remote file inclusions
15.Insecure data handling
16.Failing to encrypt data properly
17.Not using a secure cryptographic system
18.Ignoring layer 8
19.Review user actions
20.Web Application Firewall misconfigurations

Below is OWASP top 10:

1.Broken Access Control
2.Cryptographic Failures
4.Insecure Design
5.Security Misconfiguration
6.Vulnerable and Outdated Components
7.Identification and Authentication Failures
8.Software and Data Integrity Failures
9.Security Logging and Monitoring Failures
10.Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)