Chisel - Written in Go. TCP/UDP based tunneling tool. Secured using SSH. Can create a client-server tunnel connection in a firewall restricted environment.
Attacker → Ubuntu → DC(
jadu101@htb[/htb]$ git clone
jadu101@htb[/htb]$ cd chisel
go build
Chisel Server
After transferring Chisel server to ubuntu machine, let;s start the server session:
ubuntu@WEB01:~$ ./chisel server -v -p 1234 --socks5
2022/05/05 18:16:25 server: Fingerprint Viry7WRyvJIOPveDzSI2piuIvtu9QehWw9TzA3zspac=
2022/05/05 18:16:25 server: Listening on
Chisel listener will listen for incoming connections on port 1234 using SOCKS5 and forward it to all the networks that are accessible from the pivothost.
Chisel Client
Now on our attacker machine, let’s start chisel client:
jadu101@htb[/htb]$ ./chisel client -v socks
2022/05/05 14:21:18 client: Connecting to ws://
2022/05/05 14:21:18 client: tun: proxy#>socks: Listening
2022/05/05 14:21:18 client: tun: Bound proxies
2022/05/05 14:21:19 client: Handshaking...
2022/05/05 14:21:19 client: Sending config
2022/05/05 14:21:19 client: Connected (Latency 120.170822ms)
2022/05/05 14:21:19 client: tun: SSH connected
Chisel client has created tunnel between chisel server and client and now is listening on port 1080.
Modify /etc/proxychains.conf
and add 1080 port at the end.
jadu101@htb[/htb]$ tail -f /etc/proxychains.conf
# proxy types: http, socks4, socks5
# ( auth types supported: "basic"-http "user/pass"-socks )
# add proxy here ...
# meanwile
# defaults set to "tor"
# socks4 9050
socks5 1080
Pivoting to DC
Now we can access DC network which is two network hops away from the attacker machine:
jadu101@htb[/htb]$ proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:victor /p:pass@123
Chisel Reverse Pivot
Earlier, we used Ubuntu server as Chisel server.
There are scenarios where firewall rules restrict inbound connections to our compromised target. If this is the case, we use Chisel with the reverse option.
: The server will listen and accept connections and they will be proxed through the client.
Chisel Server
Let’s start Chisel server on attacker host:
jadu101@htb[/htb]$ sudo ./chisel server --reverse -v -p 1234 --socks5
2022/05/30 10:19:16 server: Reverse tunnelling enabled
2022/05/30 10:19:16 server: Fingerprint n6UFN6zV4F+MLB8WV3x25557w/gHqMRggEnn15q9xIk=
2022/05/30 10:19:16 server: Listening on
Chisel Client
Now, we will connect from Ubuntu PivotHost to our attacker host:
ubuntu@WEB01$ ./chisel client -v R:socks
2022/05/30 14:19:29 client: Connecting to ws://
2022/05/30 14:19:29 client: Handshaking...
2022/05/30 14:19:30 client: Sending config
2022/05/30 14:19:30 client: Connected (Latency 117.204196ms)
2022/05/30 14:19:30 client: tun: SSH connected
jadu101@htb[/htb]$ tail -f /etc/proxychains.conf
# add proxy here ...
# socks4 9050
socks5 1080
Now we can access DC network:
jadu101@htb[/htb]$ proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:victor /p:pass@123
Chisel - Cheatsheet
There are many ways for tunneling but my favorite way is chisel.
Hereis a good chisel cheatsheet created by 0xdf.
Let’s say you are on the compromised system and you found host live and connected to your compromised system. It has port 80 open so I would have to tunnel to access that port 80 running on
- You first upload chisel to the compromised system using wget or curl.
- Now on your local machine, start Chisel server listening on whatever port you prefer (In this case 9000).
- Now on the compromised system, tunnel target machine’s port to local machine’s listener.
- Now on your local machine, you can access port 80 of as if you are accessing service running locally.