Sometimes when we transfer sensitive data, we need protection on transferring.
File Encryption on Windows
Best way to encrypt file on Windows is to use Invoke-AESEncryption.ps1:
Invoke-AESEncryption -Mode Encrypt -Key "p@ssw0rd" -Text "Secret Text"
Encrypts the string "Secret Test" and outputs a Base64 encoded ciphertext.
Invoke-AESEncryption -Mode Decrypt -Key "p@ssw0rd" -Text "LtxcRelxrDLrDB9rBD6JrfX/czKjZ2CUJkrg++kAMfs="
Decrypts the Base64 encoded string "LtxcRelxrDLrDB9rBD6JrfX/czKjZ2CUJkrg++kAMfs=" and outputs plain text.
Invoke-AESEncryption -Mode Encrypt -Key "p@ssw0rd" -Path file.bin
Encrypts the file "file.bin" and outputs an encrypted file "file.bin.aes"
Invoke-AESEncryption -Mode Decrypt -Key "p@ssw0rd" -Path file.bin.aes
Decrypts the file "file.bin.aes" and outputs an encrypted file "file.bin"
function Invoke-AESEncryption {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Encrypt', 'Decrypt')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "CryptText")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "CryptFile")]
Begin {
$shaManaged = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed
$aesManaged = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged
$aesManaged.Mode = [System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode]::CBC
$aesManaged.Padding = [System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode]::Zeros
$aesManaged.BlockSize = 128
$aesManaged.KeySize = 256
Process {
$aesManaged.Key = $shaManaged.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Key))
switch ($Mode) {
'Encrypt' {
if ($Text) {$plainBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Text)}
if ($Path) {
$File = Get-Item -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$File.FullName) {
Write-Error -Message "File not found!"
$plainBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($File.FullName)
$outPath = $File.FullName + ".aes"
$encryptor = $aesManaged.CreateEncryptor()
$encryptedBytes = $encryptor.TransformFinalBlock($plainBytes, 0, $plainBytes.Length)
$encryptedBytes = $aesManaged.IV + $encryptedBytes
if ($Text) {return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($encryptedBytes)}
if ($Path) {
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($outPath, $encryptedBytes)
(Get-Item $outPath).LastWriteTime = $File.LastWriteTime
return "File encrypted to $outPath"
'Decrypt' {
if ($Text) {$cipherBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Text)}
if ($Path) {
$File = Get-Item -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$File.FullName) {
Write-Error -Message "File not found!"
$cipherBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($File.FullName)
$outPath = $File.FullName -replace ".aes"
$aesManaged.IV = $cipherBytes[0..15]
$decryptor = $aesManaged.CreateDecryptor()
$decryptedBytes = $decryptor.TransformFinalBlock($cipherBytes, 16, $cipherBytes.Length - 16)
if ($Text) {return [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($decryptedBytes).Trim([char]0)}
if ($Path) {
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($outPath, $decryptedBytes)
(Get-Item $outPath).LastWriteTime = $File.LastWriteTime
return "File decrypted to $outPath"
End {
We would have to transfer the above to the target system.
Once it is transferred, let’s import it:
PS C:\htb> Import-Module .\Invoke-AESEncryption.ps1
Now we can use Invoke-AESEncryption to encrypt files.
Encrypted files will have .aes extension.
PS C:\htb> Invoke-AESEncryption -Mode Encrypt -Key "p4ssw0rd" -Path .\scan-results.txt
File encrypted to C:\htb\scan-results.txt.aes
PS C:\htb> ls
Directory: C:\htb
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 11/18/2020 12:17 AM 9734 Invoke-AESEncryption.ps1
-a---- 11/18/2020 12:19 PM 1724 scan-results.txt
-a---- 11/18/2020 12:20 PM 3448 scan-results.txt.aes
File Encryption on Linux
We can use OpenSSL.
Let’s try encrypting /etc/passwd:
[!bash!]$ openssl enc -aes256 -iter 100000 -pbkdf2 -in /etc/passwd -out passwd.enc
enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
Verifying - enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
We can decrypt as such:
[!bash!]$ openssl enc -d -aes256 -iter 100000 -pbkdf2 -in passwd.enc -out passwd
enter aes-256-cbc decryption password: