Let’s assume we are in the domain. We want to advance our position further by moving laterally or vertically.
Typically, if compromise local admin user, we will perform PtH but if that is not the case, now what?
What if we don’t yet have local admin rights on any hosts in the domain?
We can abuse following to move around a Windows a domain:
PowerShell Remoting - PSRemoting or WinRM
MSSQL Server
Remote Desktop
Let’s say we compromised user with RDP right on host.
We can possibly:
Launch further attacks
Escalate privilege and obtain creds for higher privileged user
Pillage the host for sensitive data
RDP Members Check
Let’s use PowerView’s Get-netLocalGroupMember to enumerate members of Remote Desktop Users group on a given host.
We can see that all members in the domain can RDP to this host.
We can also use BloodHound for this purpose. First thing to check with Bloodhound is whether domain users group have local admin rights or execution rights such as rdp and winrm.
WinRM Members Check
Let’s check Remote Management Users members:
User forend has winrm right over MS01.
WinRM from Windows
WinRM from Linux
SQL Server Admin
It is common to find user and service accounts set up with sysadmin privilege on a given SQL server instance.
Let’s use PowerUpSQL to enumerate MSSQL isntances:
We can authenticate against the remote SQL server host and run custom queries as such:
Try enabling xp_cmdshell:
We can enumerate our rights as such:
Moving On
Here we talked about lateral movement techniques in AD.