Let’s say we retrieved password/hash from LLMNR/NBT-NS poisoning.

Now it’s time for us to spray this password/hash for further access.

During password spraying, we always have to be cautious with account lockout.

There are several ways to pull the domain password policy.

We will learn about ways to enumerate password policy from both Linux and Windows, with or without credentials.

Linux - w Creds

With valid domain credentials, password policy can be obtained through CME or rpcclient.

Using CrackMapExec:

crackmapexec smb -u avazquez -p Password123 --pass-pol

Linux - wo Creds - SMB NULL Sessions

Without the credentials, we may be able to obtain the password policy using SMB NULL Session or LDAP anonymous bind.

SMB NULL session allows an unauthenticated attacker to retrieve information from the domain.

We can use rpcclient to check DC for SMB NULL session access.

Once connected, issue commands like querydominfo to confirm NULL session access:

jadu101@htb[/htb]$ rpcclient -U "" -N
rpcclient $> querydominfo
Total Users:	3650
Total Groups:	0
Total Aliases:	37

To query password policy:

rpcclient $> getdompwinfo
min_password_length: 8
password_properties: 0x00000001

We can enumerate password policy using enum4linux as well:

jadu101@htb[/htb]$ enum4linux -P

Also, using enum4linux-ng, which is same as enum4linux but with data export function:

jadu101@htb[/htb]$ enum4linux-ng -P -oA ilfreight

Windows - NULL Sessions

Use below command to establish a null session from a windows machine and confirm we can perform more of this type of attack:

C:\htb> net use \\DC01\ipc$ "" /u:""
The command completed successfully.

If we have username/password, we can try to authenticate:

C:\htb> net use \\DC01\ipc$ "" /u:guest

Linux - wo Creds - LDAP Anonymous Bind

LDAP anonymous bind allows unauthenticated attacker to retrieve information from the domain.

With LDAP anonymous bind configured, we can use such tools to obtain password policy:

  • windapsearch.py
  • ldapsearch
  • ad-ldapdomaindump.py

Using ldapsearch:

jadu101@htb[/htb]$ ldapsearch -h -x -b "DC=INLANEFREIGHT,DC=LOCAL" -s sub "*" | grep -m 1 -B 10 pwdHistoryLength
forceLogoff: -9223372036854775808
lockoutDuration: -18000000000
lockOutObservationWindow: -18000000000
lockoutThreshold: 5
maxPwdAge: -9223372036854775808
minPwdAge: -864000000000
minPwdLength: 8
modifiedCountAtLastProm: 0
nextRid: 1002
pwdProperties: 1
pwdHistoryLength: 24

We can see that minimum password length is 8, lockout threshold is 5 and password complexity is set as 1.

Windows - w Creds

If we can authenticate to domain from windows host, we use built-in windows binary such as net.exe to retrieve password policy.

We could also use tools such as:

  • PowerView
  • CME
  • SharpMapExec
  • SharpView


C:\htb> net accounts
Force user logoff how long after time expires?:       Never
Minimum password age (days):                          1
Maximum password age (days):                          Unlimited
Minimum password length:                              8
Length of password history maintained:                24
Lockout threshold:                                    5
Lockout duration (minutes):                           30
Lockout observation window (minutes):                 30
Computer role:                                        SERVER
The command completed successfully.


PS C:\htb> import-module .\PowerView.ps1
PS C:\htb> Get-DomainPolicy
Unicode        : @{Unicode=yes}
SystemAccess   : @{MinimumPasswordAge=1; MaximumPasswordAge=-1; MinimumPasswordLength=8; PasswordComplexity=1;
                 PasswordHistorySize=24; LockoutBadCount=5; ResetLockoutCount=30; LockoutDuration=30;
                 RequireLogonToChangePassword=0; ForceLogoffWhenHourExpire=0; ClearTextPassword=0;
KerberosPolicy : @{MaxTicketAge=10; MaxRenewAge=7; MaxServiceAge=600; MaxClockSkew=5; TicketValidateClient=1}
Version        : @{signature="$CHICAGO$"; Revision=1}
RegistryValues : @{MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\NoLMHash=System.Object[]}
Path           : \\INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\sysvol\INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\Policies\{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}\MACHI
                 NE\Microsoft\Windows NT\SecEdit\GptTmpl.inf
GPOName        : {31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}
GPODisplayName : Default Domain Policy

Strategy based on Password Policy

So using the various methods above, we can obtain password policy.

  • Minimum password length = 8
  • Account lockout threshold = 5
  • Lockout duration = 30 minutes
  • Accounts unlock automatically
  • Password complexity enabled = User must choose a password with 3/4 of the following: uppercase, lowercase letter. number, special character.

Below is the default password policy:

PolicyDefault Value
Enforce password history24 days
Maximum password age42 days
Minimum password age1 day
Minimum password length7
Password must meet complexity requirementsEnabled
Store passwords using reversible encryptionDisabled
Account lockout durationNot set
Account lockout threshold0
Reset account lockout counter afterNot set

Moving On

Now we obtained password policy.

With the list of usernames, we go for password spraying attack.