Chatterbox was more like an Easy level Windows box. I first gained initial foothold by exploiting AChat server with Buffer Overflow. For privilege escalation, user alfred had full access to most of the directories in Administrator folder which I abuse to change permission for root.txt to read.
Information Gathering
Rustscan finds several ports open including port 9255 and 9256 which is uncommon:
Nmap script scan identifies AChat Chat system is running on port 9255:
SMB - TCP 445
I tried null login for SMB but it is not allowed:
Crackmapexec discovers computer name CHATTERBOX and that server is running on Windows 7 Professional:
Achat - TCP 9256
It seems that AChat is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow:
Afer downloading both and from the source above, I will first slightly modify so that it will work with nc.
I can change the parameter -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp to -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp to make it work with netcat.
After that, I will run it and input the correct value for RHOST, LHOST, and LPORT:
I will copy the output and paste it into as such:
I will also modify the target server address:
Now I can run the exploit with netcat listener running:
On my local listern, I have a shell as Alfred:
Read root.txt
Running WinPEAS.exe found several interesting points.
AutoLogon credential for Alfred is discovered: Welcome1!
It seems like Alfred got AllAccess to most of the Administrator directories:
I can list the directories but I can’t read the root.txt:
I can easily bypass this by giving Alfred read permission: