Let’s see how to find emails using JWT tokens.

Subdomain Enum

First, collect all subdomains.

Below, I used assetfinder to do it.

└─$ assetfinder --subs-only carabinersec.com        

Wayback URLs


First, use go to install waybackurls:

└─$ /usr/local/go/bin/go install github.com/tomnomnom/waybackurls@latest

go: downloading github.com/tomnomnom/waybackurls v0.1.0


If go install is not working, try changing the proxy: export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.io

Next, download anew:

└─$ /usr/local/go/bin/go install -v github.com/tomnomnom/anew@latest 
go: downloading github.com/tomnomnom/anew v0.1.1

Now you should have anew and waybackurls on your system:

└─$ ls
anew  waybackurls

Below command will take the list of subdomains and retrieve historical URLs from the Wayback Machine associated with those subdomains using waybackurls, and then appends only the new, unique URLs to the file wayback_urls:

└─# cat who-subs | /home/carabiner1/go/bin/waybackurls | /home/carabiner1/go/bin/anew wayback_urls

We can see that it collected 22033 URLs:

└─$ wc -l wayback_urls     
22033 wayback_urls


We can achieve the same with gau

  • gau is used to retrieve URLs that have been indexed by various online services (not just the Wayback Machine).

First, install it:

└─$ /usr/local/go/bin/go install github.com/lc/gau/v2/cmd/gau@latest

go: downloading github.com/lc/gau/v2 v2.2.3
go: downloading github.com/lc/gau v1.2.0
go: downloading github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.8.1

Collect historical URLs:

└─# cat who-subs | /home/carabiner1/go/bin/gau | /home/carabiner1/go/bin/anew gau_urls

gau collected 13026 lines:

└─$ wc -l gau_urls                  
13026 gau_urls


We can achieve the same with waymore.

First, install it:

pip install waymore

Collect historical URLs:

└─$ cat who-subs | ~/.local/bin/waymore | sudo ~/go/bin/anew waymore_urls
IMPORTANT: It looks like you may be passing a subdomain. If you want ALL subs for a domain, then pass the domain only. It will be a LOT quicker, and you won't miss anything. NEVER pass a file of subdomains if you want everything, just the domains.

WARNING: Cannot find file "config.yml", so using default values

waymore collected 39992 historical URLs:

└─$ wc -l waymore_urls              
39992 waymore_urls

Search for JWT Tokens

Now, go through the historical URLs downloaded and look for JWT Tokens:

└─$ cat *urls | grep "=eyJ"

We can also look for info such as email addresses:

└─$ cat *urls | grep "gmail.com"


After we collect JWT tokens, we can decode it to see the content of it using jwt.io

If we can see sensitive information such as below, it is a valid bug. Report it.

  "sub": "1234567890",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "iat": 1516239022
